The Way for Peace Building of Nelson Mandela According to Buddhist Peaceful Means

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Narongrit Arayachaikul


This article is of 3 objectives : 1) to study the way of peace building
according to Buddhist peaceful means 2) to study Nelson Mandela’s way of
peace building, and 3) to study Nelson Mandela’s way of peace building
according to Buddhist peaceful means.
From the research, it is found that Sangahavatthu 4 is the important
tool as Buddhist peaceful means which is able to uplift people’s mental value
leading to peace in communities, societies, nations and the world; it has
valuable means of Dana : Giving, sacrificing and forgiving, Piyavācā : Speaking
with truth, generosity, and reasons, Atthacariyā : Conduct rendering usefulness
to both own-self and others, and Samānattatā : Behaving properly with equal
treatment at all times.
Nelson Mandela’s way of peace building comprises of 4 principles :
properly self- acting in various situations with braveness, holding tightly in
principles, having calmness in communicating by knowing both roles of leader
and follower, and having strong determination to devote for others without
impatience for the benefits of others. 

When compared to Sangahavatthu 4 which is the studied Buddhist
peaceful means, it is found that Nelson Mandela’s way of peace building is
harmonized according to : Dana : Nelson sacrificed himself by all-time-selfpractice
both in jail and out until being elected the president by showing
braveness, forgiveness and patient fighting for people who needed equal right;
Piyavācā : Nelson understandingly negotiated justice with the other party
without neither advantage nor disadvantage which caused both himself and
President Frederic De Clemont to receive Nobel Peace Prize in 1993; Atthacariyā :
Nelson expressed himself leading to the election among population with equal
right to vote that made him won the election and changed the law related to
racial and tribal discrimination to equality, and was praised as a devotee for
harmonizing relations and friendship, both in national and international levels;
and Samānattatā : despite out of the position of Preside
nt, Nelson still devoted himself for social work, public health and human rights
of many organizations, and died on the 5th of December, 2013.


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How to Cite
Arayachaikul, N. (2016). The Way for Peace Building of Nelson Mandela According to Buddhist Peaceful Means. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 4(sp1), 234–242. สืบค้น จาก