An Analytical Study of the Right Speech for Compromising : A Case Study of Mediators in Uttaradit Provincial Court

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Chayachon Klungkorn


This paper is of 3 objectives, which include : 1) to study the
compromise of mediators
in Uttaradit Provincial Court, 2) to study principles of
the Right Speech and using the Right Speech of the mediators and 3) to
analyze the value of using the Right Speech of mediators
in Uttaradit Provincial
Court. From the research, it is found the following :
1) The process of dispute-compromising requires steps, such as an
appointment for mediating, finding dispute-issue, conceptual need, and
compromising agreement. Mediators in Uttaradit Provincial Court perform
duties, in which include to help cement understanding and find out solution
for party to the dispute, seek for mutual agreement and convince for mutual
solution. Mediators should have loving kindness, nice speech, talk with respect
for friendly feeling, act equally, and be flexible.
2) The principles of the Right Speech, which are proper for practice,
include speaking of truth, not twisting it, speaking nicely and politely with the
essence of usefulness and good wish. All in all, the use of the Right Speech
should make clearness, convince for practice, braveness and cheer the listeners
up for freshness. 

3) The bringing of the Right Speech for dispute mediation in Uttaradit
Provincial Court has reflected characteristics of mediators such as creation of
happiness to the society, enhancing human relationship, having an open-mind,
including fact presentation. The principles of the Right Speech are valuable and
important as the tools of mediators to successfully perform duties, which
consequently lead to open-mind- talking with good relationship that still
remains. As the result, they create satisfaction and peace to the society and its


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How to Cite
Klungkorn, C. (2016). An Analytical Study of the Right Speech for Compromising : A Case Study of Mediators in Uttaradit Provincial Court. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 4(sp1), 220–223. สืบค้น จาก