The Peace Strengthening Role of Dr. Ambedker according to the Buddhist Peaceful Means

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Kritsana Thaworn
Phramaha Duangden Thitañanฺo


This qualitative research is of 2 objectives, i.e. 1) to study peace

strengthening role of Dr. Dr. Ambedker; and 2) to analyze peace strengthening
role of Dr. Ambedker according to Buddhist peaceful means.
Dr. Ambedker is one of Buddhists who hold tightly on to the principles
of Buddhist teaching, and enhanced the society for living together peacefully as
obviously seen from his role of fighting for the benefits of the untouchables or
the lower class of the Indian society by being steadfast towards Sacca. He take
the truth that All human must be equal in reaching the opportunity and the
right. He had Khanti towards the eagerness of learning and working on the important duties of the country, He had Khanti in restraining towards the contempt of being an untouchable, and Cāga of sacrificing his own benefits for others, especially his contribution to Buddhism.
From the analysis, it is found that Dr. Ambedker’s way to strengthen
peace according to the Buddhist peaceful means is the Dhamma for
householders called Gharāvāsa-dhamma consisting of Sacca, having sincerity to one another; Dama, knowing self-control; Khanti, having patience or tolerance; and Cāga, knowing to desert the evil, the dishonor, and knowing the sacrifice.
His role of peace building had been shown in the Indian society causing
Indian people to change their attitudes and practices to live together with the  untouchables peacefully. He was also the political leader who helped restoring Buddhism to build social justice and equality.

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How to Cite
Thaworn, K., & Thitañanฺo P. D. (2016). The Peace Strengthening Role of Dr. Ambedker according to the Buddhist Peaceful Means. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 4(sp1), 209–219. สืบค้น จาก