A Study of Contemplation on Eighteen Elements for the Insight Meditation Practice

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Phra Atigantanjit Gunadhammo


This Thesis had two objectives; 1) to study the Contemplation on
Eighteen Elements in theTheravada Buddhist Scriptures, 2) to bring the Eighteen
Elements as a Temperament. Data are clarified analyzed and taken from the
Theravada Buddhist Scriptures and other related documents then composed
,explained and verified by Buddhist scholars. The findings are as follow :
The Eighteen Elements is the condition which happens by causes &
effect, nobody cause it. It is the natural condition with no animals person and a
self. The Insight Meditation Practice has the contemplation on the Eighteen
Elements by form and name as they really are which is Anijjam˙ (impermanence)
Dukkham˙ (suffering) and Anatta (non-self). It is only the getteing of Elements.
The contemplation of body, the contemplation of feeling, the contemplation
of mind, and the contemplation of mind-objects. According to the Four
Foundation of Mindfulness as appear in the Mahāsatipatthāna Sutta.
The doctrine and dhamma concerned with the Eighteen Elements as a
temperament in the Insight Meditation Practice is the Rūpa (form) which has
to be perish or crumble as always a character, the responsibility is to spread
out from mind, the result is neutral (Abyākata) dhamma, Viññāna is the cause
of arising. As per the analysis mentioned Any nature which is perish so that
nature is called Rūpa. Rūpa must be perished becaue of cool because of hot.

The other temperament is name which are the four Nāma-khandha, Vedanākhandha,
Saññā –khandha, Sankhara-khandha, Viññāna-khandha. As per the
analysis mentioned any nature which know the temper so such nature is called
Thus the Eighteen Elements is form and name. The Insight Meditation
Practice by mindfulness the Eighteen Elements as a Temperament in Vipassanā
Bhavana is the determination of form and name which are the Eighteen
Elements concerned in Insight Meditation Practice. When aid in form and name
are the ten elements from Cakkhu Dhātu until Potthabbadhatu are form, the
seven elements from Cakkhuviññāna-dhātu till Manoviññāna-dhatu are name,
one element which is Dhamma-dhatu can be both from and name. The one
who practice Insight Meditation has one temperament that are form and name.
With Insight Meditation Practice the practitioner will reach the highest that are
Magga Phala Nibbāna which all form and name are pass way while mind is
concentrate then reach stage of Ñāna till finally entering Nibbāna.

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How to Cite
Gunadhammo, P. A. (2016). A Study of Contemplation on Eighteen Elements for the Insight Meditation Practice. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 4(sp1), 151–158. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/76705