A Study of the Lustful Temperament in the Theravada Buddhist in the Insight Meditation Practice

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Phra Chinda Chanthadhammo


This study has the objectives to : study the Six Temperaments in

Theravada Buddhist Scripture; study the methods of insight (Vipassana)
development in Theravada Buddhist Scripture and; study the lustful
temperament in insight (Vipassana) development in Theravada Buddhism. This
study is aqualitative research. From the study, it was found that :
Those who possess lustful temperament and encounter with the
sensual passion, they should be mindful of such lust. Ones must observe
clearly of that lust, that ones’ minds are being lustful. In the usual practice,
once lust arises, one shall concentrate on the present moment by
contemplating on the mind base called Proper Attention, driving intensely to
the ultimate point of origin. There are two types of temperament according to
insight meditation which are samatha and vipassanā or one temperament
of samatha and one temperament of vipassanā that means things which mind
will contact and can stay with it. With the strength of sati and sampajañña,
Samadhi consists of samatha and vipassanā. For samatha Samadhi should
be strong enough higher to arūpajana and for vipassanā needs samadhi’s
strength which is not specify on samadhi directly but only generate Samadhi as
a foundation. Sati sampajañña can proper knot that this is matters, this is mind.

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How to Cite
Chanthadhammo, P. C. (2016). A Study of the Lustful Temperament in the Theravada Buddhist in the Insight Meditation Practice. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 4(sp1), 140–150. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/76700