An Analytical Study of Sadārasantosa and Stability of Family Institution

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Phon Namanee


The research entitled ‘An Analytical Study of Sadārasantosa and Stability of Family Institution’ consists of 3 purposes: 1) to study the concept of Sadārasantosa in Buddhism 2) to study the stability of family institution and 3) to analyze the principle of Sadārasantosa and stability of family institution and propose the guidelines to apply the principle of Sadārasantosa to create stability to the family institution in the present society.
      It is found that Sadārasantosa means the satisfaction in one’s own wife or the contentment only with one’s wife which matches with the third principle of five doctrine, that is, Kāmasaṅvara and is opposite of the third principle of five precepts, that is, Kāmesumicchācārā. Sadārasantosa is the principle for the householder or the virtue of the married couple. Husband and wife who live their lives in such contentment will have no quarrel or dispute which is the cause of divorce taken as the collapse of family institution. The married couple with contentment in one’s own partner will have happiness as everyone has contentment in one’s own lover. The husband has contentment in his wife and the wife has contentment in her husband, so they live together happily. Sadārasantosa is said to be one of the noble practices in Buddhism which means that the practice of Sadārasantosa is reckoned as highest in Buddhism.
          The objective of this Sadārasantosa is to create stability to the family institution for the household laity. It is to prevent damage which occurs from violation of someone’s right in married life. It is the principle that supports peace for the people in society. Sadārasantosa helps creating stability in the family implies that it makes the people live together in happiness physically and mentally. They understand each other and respect each other according to their individual roles and duties.
         Besides, Holding a stable family is significant for development of community and society as family is a small unit of community and society. The stable family presents the good value and culture for people to hold on living in society, and it is the development of strength in the community. The happy and stable family will make the community and society happy and stable. So, the stable family will set a good example for society and nation, and it is the source of quality development of the human resources.  


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