The Success of Production Credit Groups on Strengthening Community and Social along Philosophy of Sufficiency in Lopburi Province

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Sarayuth Sa-ngiam


The purposes of this research was to analyze factors affecting the success of the production credit groups and the effects of the groups’ success on strengthening community and social along philosophy of sufficiency in Lopburi Province. Two sample groups were organized for this research: the first, comprising of twelve officials, had group discussion with responsible officials who had direct contact with the production credit groups; and the second, comprising of four hundred members of the production credit groups, were asked to fill-in a question and answering form, and they were also subjected to interviewing. Two statistical analyses were made. These are: firstly, factor analysis for the study of the production credit groups’ success; and secondly, the multiple regression analysis for testing of the relation of each factor to the production credit groups’ success, and also on strengthening community and social along philosophy of sufficiency in Lopburi Province.

            Finally, qualitative data gathered from group discussions were organized into groups and sup-groups, and were used as supplements to the quantitative data.

            The research results can be summarized as follows:

  1. Where the influence of three factors namely: understanding of the principles, objectives and method of work execution; are high, the group members obtain a high degree of revenue success,

  2. Where the influence of one factor namely: understanding of the principles; are high, the group members obtain a high degree of expense success.

  3. Where the influence of one factor namely: understanding of the objectives: are high, the group members obtain a high degree of saving success.

  4. Where the influence of two factors namely: understanding of the objectives and method of work execution; are high, the group members obtain a high degree of investment success.

  5. Where the influence of the three factors namely: understanding of the principles, objectives, and method of work execution of the group members; are high, the group members obtain a high degree of social and cultural success.

  6. Only one factor-social and cultural success has statistically significant effect on strengthening community and social along philosophy of sufficiency.   

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How to Cite
Sa-ngiam, S. (2018). The Success of Production Credit Groups on Strengthening Community and Social along Philosophy of Sufficiency in Lopburi Province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(3), 896–907. สืบค้น จาก