The Reasons Behind the Votes in the Referendum for the 2016 Draft Constitution

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Montri Simmakum
Siwach Sripokangkul


The objectives of this study were 1) to study the situation of the exercise of the Constitutional referendum. Kingdom of Thailand in 2016 its voting rights in the province, and 2) why population in Khon Kaen decided to vote "agree" or "disagree" or "do not go to vote," the draft Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in 2016, which this research is quantitative research. Data from those voting in the referendum province covers an area of ​​406 by using a questionnaire as a tool in education. Data analysis by statistics present data with percentages and averages.
The study indicated that The referendum on August, 7 2016. There are several problems that the government is determined look like intimidating or the arrest and prosecution of individuals who organized the public to comment on the draft constitution. The result in the referendum to approve the draft constitution does not fair. The reasons from the Khon Kaen’s population where the referendum to vote "agree" because they want the peace and want to see Thailand’s situation back to normal. and want to have elections as soon. The persons who "disagree" because they do not want a government from coup d’etat or revolutionize government and don’t want to support them. For the population who "not to vote" because most of them do not like the government of the coup had not cooperated and the politics of boredom. For the content of the draft Constitution Does not affect the decision of the referendum to vote yet because most of them do not studied in detail.

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How to Cite
Simmakum, M., & Sripokangkul, S. (2018). The Reasons Behind the Votes in the Referendum for the 2016 Draft Constitution. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(4), 1672–1693. สืบค้น จาก