การพัฒนาคุณลักษณะนิสิตของวิทยาลัยสงฆ์พุทธปัญญาศรีทวารวดี ตามกรอบนวลักษณ์บัณฑิตโดยใช้หลักไตรสิกขา

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Phrakhubaidika Theerayut Chantupamo


This research The researchers define the purpose of research for study the guidelines in the development of students characteristics follow navaluck framework, concept the development of students characteristics by Trisikha Principle and offer guidance the development of Students characteristics of Buddhist College Budthapanyasritavaravadee follow navaluck framework by Trisikha Principle. The methodology was the Mixed Methods  Research the first part will be Quantitative Research using Survey Research. Qualitative Research With In-depth Interview with Key Informants and Analytic Induction.
As the result, The development of Students characteristics of Buddhist College Budthapanyasritavaravadee follow navaluck framework by Trisikha Principle is 1. Compliance Methodist University Set a good example for both the mind and the intellect with moral and ethical precepts is to behave well. There are moral and ethical principles 2. Protecting and preserving Buddhism Help others with heart unforgiveness Open awareness Listen to the opinions of others consciously focus is the development of the mind awareness listen to new ideas consciously 3. Researching things. Circumstances, both secular and religious analysis, problem solving process has wit, learning analytics solutions to the prevailing conditions.

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How to Cite
Chantupamo, P. T. (2018). การพัฒนาคุณลักษณะนิสิตของวิทยาลัยสงฆ์พุทธปัญญาศรีทวารวดี ตามกรอบนวลักษณ์บัณฑิตโดยใช้หลักไตรสิกขา. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(sp1), 91–104. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/123621