The Administration Model for Public Works of Thai Sangha Council in Srisaket Province

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Suriyon Noisangoun


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the evolution of the Buddhist
social work, 2) to study the state of public work of Sangha in Sisaket province, and 3) to
analyze the pattern of public welfare of Sangha in Sisaket province. The methodology of
this research is qualitative research.
As the result, the model of public welfare of Sangha in Sisaket province relies on
Buddhist principles, such as threefold of training (Tri-sikkha), Sublime state of mind
(Brahmavihara), Ruler’s bases of sympathy (Rajasanghahavatthu), Conditions of welfare
(Aparihaniyadhamma), Virtues of conciliation (Saraniyadhamma), Virtues of gentleman
(Sabburisadhamma), and etc. There are two expectations of model of public works;
material and mental aid. Its aim is leading to contribute sustainable development and
integration in society. The development of public welfare should base on mentality, life,
human resources, natural resources and the environment. In order to release suffering,
Buddhist monks should integrate all forms of public welfare together.

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How to Cite
Noisangoun, S. (2018). The Administration Model for Public Works of Thai Sangha Council in Srisaket Province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(sp1), 384–394. สืบค้น จาก