The Process of the Self-Esteem Enhancements by Buddhist Methods Integration

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Paradee Poonprapa Eiemcharoen


The purposes of this research are 1) to investigate the concepts and theories of self–esteem enhancement in line with Buddhism and Psychology, 2) to study the development process of self–esteem enhancement with the integrated Buddhist methods and 3) to the results of the self-esteem development with the integrated Buddhist methods.

          The results revealed that: The concepts and theories related to self-esteem based on Buddhism were that the persons should be qualified by the physical, moral, mental and intellectual one. These qualities can be developed with life on the process of self–esteem enhancement. In the development process of self–esteem enhancement with the integrated Buddhist methods, some important samples have been taken to enhance the development of self-management. Especially in the physical aspect, there are some practices that deal with the benefits.

          The development of relationship with the five controlling faculty environment has been implemented. In case of the results of the self-esteem development with the integrated Buddhist methods, it can be seen that the seven Buddhist principles for the sample can be used: 1) one could know how to find good sources of knowledge and role models. 2)  One could live and socialize with disciplines. 3) One could have the motivation and thirst for knowledge creation. 4) One could strive to develop one’s full potential. 5) One could adjust one’s attitudes and values to the line of reasoning. 6) One could be conscious and alert active all the time. And 7) one could rely on one’s solutions and ideas. The integrated Buddhist approach focuses on experiential learning, the ability and taking into everyday life. In addition, the comment, the accountability, the consciousness and recognizing the true sense of their relationship with a public interest were also displayed. These are self-esteem enhancements by the integrated Buddhist methods which are important approaches in the present day.

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How to Cite
Poonprapa Eiemcharoen, P. (2018). The Process of the Self-Esteem Enhancements by Buddhist Methods Integration. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(sp1), 350–360. สืบค้น จาก