An Article Processing Charge (APC) is required for publication
in the Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University

All articles published in the PSU Journal of Liberal Arts (JLA) are available free of charge to readers under a Creative Commons license. The publication of the journal is supported by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University. This subsidy is, however, not sufficient to cover all the costs of the peer review process and the production of the journal. Therefore, an Article Processing Charge (APC) has been introduced to pay towards the cost of the peer review process.

  • For manuscript submitted after January 1, 2022, authors are required to pay an APC of 2,000 baht upon formal acceptance of a manuscript for peer review.
  • The APC is payable by the author(s) within 7 days after a manuscript has been accepted for peer review.
  • The APC will not be refunded once the authors have made the payment and the manuscript has entered the peer review process.

Payment Method: Bank Transfer

Bank: SCB (Siam Commercial Bank)

Account Name: Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University

Account Number: 565-302520-5      Branch: Prince of Songkla University

Payment Instructions for Journal of Liberal Arts, PSU Article Processing Charges (APC)

Step 1: Pay the APC by bank transfer to the abovementioned account and save a copy of the payment receipt.

Step 2: Select ‘Add discussion’ on the Workflow – Submission page of the JLA website:

Step 3: Fill in the information and attach the payment receipt as shown in the image below:

Step 4: A receipt of payment will be sent to the author within 30 days of submitting the payment evidence.