An Analysis of Thailand Qualifications Framework for Bachelor’s Degree Level in Morals and Ethics according to Krishnamurti’s Concept


  • พกุล แองเกอร์ School of Humanities, Bangkok University, Rangsit Campus


กฤษณมูรติ, กรอบมาตรฐานคุณวุฒิระดับปริญญาตรี, ระเบียบในใจ



      Having used Krishnamurti’s concept on morals to analyze Thailand Qualifications Framework for Bachelor’s Degree Level in Morals and Ethics created by Commission on Higher Education which specifies that graduates must be able to handle moral problems in the society by using the judgments of values, feelings of others, basic values, professional ethics, and presenting ways to handle moral problems based on Krishnamurti’s concept, it has been found that values and etiquettes are the traditional patterns of belief and if we follow those traditional patterns out of fear, the morals that we have attained will not be considered real. Moreover, it also leads us to having conflicts with those who have different set of belief. Therefore, to develop individuals who can solve moral problems, we should cultivate one’s order in mind and freedom so that one will not cling on to the traditional belief out of fear; instead, one will be able to make their own decisions with free will. To develop the order in mind, one should be taught about disciplines by learning with open-mindedness and being able to love everything for the rest of one’s life.


How to Cite

แองเกอร์ พ. (2016). An Analysis of Thailand Qualifications Framework for Bachelor’s Degree Level in Morals and Ethics according to Krishnamurti’s Concept. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 3(1), 41. retrieved from



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