Apply Needs Analysis of Cross Culture Communication Business Chinese learning and teaching


  • คันธรส วิทยาภิรมย์ Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University


needs analysis, business Chinese, cross-cultural communication, learning and teaching for Thai students, Guan Xi



          This study aims to analyze the needs for business Chinese among four groups of people, namely, learners, teachers, alumni, and people who use Chinese in their work, and to investigate the problems and needs for this language in the contexts of teaching and learning, and the workplace. The results of this quantitative and qualitative study revealed that knowledge and understanding of culture are important for cross-cultural communication that correspond with the word “Guan Xi” in Chinese. This word is related to the face and business relationships. In communication, learners and people who use Chinese in their work usually transfer their mother tongue and culture to the Chinese language and culture making Chinese culture a problem for learning and thus, it is necessary to learn Chinese culture. The results of the study suggest that a business Chinese curriculum should include the aspect of cross-cultural communication and related activities to reduce cultural shocks and gaps in the workplace.


How to Cite

วิทยาภิรมย์ ค. (2016). Apply Needs Analysis of Cross Culture Communication Business Chinese learning and teaching. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 5(1), 104. retrieved from



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