A Study and Development of Learning Process for an Increase in Management Potential of the Sustainable Community Demonstration Shops Center, Pangyangkhog Sub-district, Hangchat District, Lampang Province


  • กังสดาล กนกหงษ์ Agricultural Development, Extension,and Communications Program, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chaingmai Province


Community demonstration shops center, learning process, Potential development



      The objectives of a study and development of a learning process for an increase in management potential for sustainability of the Community Demonstration Shops Centers in Pong Yangkhok Sub-district, Hangchat District, Lampang Province were to study and analyze the capability of four Community Demonstration Shops Centers and the conditions influencing their success and failure. The research tools included in-depth interview, observation, and focus group discussion. The objectives of were to study and analyze the capability of 4 demonstration Shops Center; and the conditions in which influence success and failure of Demonstration Shops Center management.

Findings showed that the fallowing were factors and conditions effecting the success of the Sustainable Community Demonstration Shops Center: Knowledge and ability of the management committee of the center; member participation; internal and external support on budgets and academics; and having inspection and monitoring by internal and external agencies. It was found that all committee members had participated in activities aiming to develop process and management potential of the center. That was all of the committee members had done brainstorming for the form of activities. It was found that they wanted to develop potential in management. Besides, they wanted to set an educational tour and networks at Ban Mae-hao Community Demonstration Shops Center, in Hangchat District, Lampang Province.


How to Cite

กนกหงษ์ ก. (2016). A Study and Development of Learning Process for an Increase in Management Potential of the Sustainable Community Demonstration Shops Center, Pangyangkhog Sub-district, Hangchat District, Lampang Province. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 6(1), 106. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-la/article/view/64224


