Thai village economy in the past and modernization and community concept by Chattip Natsupa


  • จตุรภัทร จันทร์ทิตย์ โปรแกรมวิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสงขลา


Thai village economy in the past, community empowerment, modernization, community concept, community culture


      This book review is to explore community empowerment of Thai villages and proposals of modernization of Thailand towards concepts of School of Community Culture. The reviewer studies concepts from two books of Prof. Dr. Chattip Natsupa: 1) Thai Village Economy in the Past, and 2) Modernization and community concept. The review summarizes the books briefly. It was concluded that villages cannot develop because the state took their surplus. However, the villages still have potential to keep their identity and the culture of helping each other. This kind of society is the traditional community. According to the School of Political Economy, Prof. Dr. Chattip Natsupa agrees that this culture is a special identity of Thai society and culture. This is why community culture has been used as a guideline for development. Moreover, using Marxist framework makes understanding community better by studying relationship between the village and the state. Refusing state and western capitalism concept enables community to know itself, status and its roles better. History and community culture are important for community empowerment.


How to Cite

จันทร์ทิตย์ จ. (2016). Thai village economy in the past and modernization and community concept by Chattip Natsupa. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 8(1), 265–287. retrieved from