Shuttle Bus Management by Social Media: A Case Study of Factory Workers in Hi Tech Industrial Estate, Ayutthaya Province


  • Paradorn Khongmanee Media Information and Communication (MIC), School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University, Thailand
  • Wuttipong Pongsuwan Media Information and Communication (MIC), School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University, Thailand


human resources department, management, smart communication, smart transportation, social media


            The purpose of this research was to find the form of communication via social media technology on smartphones by trialling an application program "Where ever" to find the relationship between employees’ transportation in industrial estate and their information perception via social media in order to increase the efficiency of the shuttle bus service provided by the factory.  in enabling the employees to track and predict the shuttle bus arrival time.

           The result of the trial on a sample of 360 employees who regularly use the shuttle bus service, according to Taro Yamane's theory, showed that the following hypotheses were accepted: The employees are able to use and access social media via smartphones for assistance and facilitation in the modern shuttle bus service; and they can use the developed communication patterns on smartphones to get convenient and safe shuttle bus service for transport to work.


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How to Cite

Khongmanee, P., & Pongsuwan, W. (2020). Shuttle Bus Management by Social Media: A Case Study of Factory Workers in Hi Tech Industrial Estate, Ayutthaya Province. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 12(1), 287–303. retrieved from



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