Storytelling: A Method to Enhance Reading Achievement and Attitudes toward English Reading of Thai Primary School Learners


  • Panida Monyanont Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand
  • Teeranuch Anurit Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand


Storytelling, attitude, English reading


            This study investigates the impacts of the storytelling teaching method on the enhancement of reading achievement and attitudes of Thai primary school learners toward English reading. The study was conducted with twenty-six fourth-grade students. The gains in reading achievement were assessed through post-reading questions created accordingly to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). Additionally, students’ attitudes toward English reading were measured twice by an attitude test, prior to and after reading activities. The results revealed that students achieved the five cognitive domains. The students showed the greates success in the Remembering domain; in contrast, they developed the least in the Analyzing domain. Moreover, The students’ attitudes toward English reading noticeably developed. Therefore, it was proven that storytelling was an effective method in promoting reading achievement and positive attitudes of Thai primary school learners toward English reading.


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How to Cite

Monyanont, P., & Anurit, T. (2019). Storytelling: A Method to Enhance Reading Achievement and Attitudes toward English Reading of Thai Primary School Learners. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 96–123. retrieved from



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