Conflict management between the state and the people on marine and coastal areas development projects in Southernmost Provinces of Thailand


  • Chaiya Kesarat
  • Idsaratt Rinthaisong


conflict, management, people, project, state


            The purposes of the study were: 1) to study the situation of conflict between the state and the people 2) to seek causes of conflict between the state and the people; and 3) to offer guidelines for conflict management between the state and the people. The qualitative method was used in this study. The sample consists of agencies of the local people, local leaders, officers from the central government, regional or local authorities and the executive or staff. Thirty-two informants participated in focus group discussions, and eight informants were for semi-structured in-depth interview. Results of the study revealed that the people in the project area lacked trust in the project operations. However, currently, public disagreement has been steadily decreasing. Three causes of the conflict were found:   the bureaucracy structure; the attitude and performance of government officials, and a lack of people participation. The guidelines for conflict management are divided into two aspects: management within the bureaucracy, and joint management by the state and the people in the area.  


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How to Cite

Kesarat, C., & Rinthaisong, I. (2019). Conflict management between the state and the people on marine and coastal areas development projects in Southernmost Provinces of Thailand. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 11(1), 116–149. retrieved from



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