Creating political ideology by using rice metaphors in Khmer proverbs


  • ชาญชัย คงเพียรธรรม Department of Eastern languages and literatures, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ubon Ratchathani University


Political ideology, rice, conceptual metaphor, Khmer proverbs


                The purpose of this article is to examine some concepts from the use of “rice” metaphors in Khmer proverbs and the political use of these concepts.  From the study, it is found that not only do the Khmer regard rice as a commodity; they also compare it to human, work, money, knowledge and legacy. These concepts were used as an important tool in creating a political ideology in the era of building the country (after Cambodia gained dependence from France) as apparent in the national emblem and banknotes.  In these, rice is a symbol for agriculturists, which are the majority of the nation’s population (rice beinghuman), the agriculture occupation (rice being work), which is the country’s science (rice being knowledge) passed down from generation to generation (rice being legacy), which also shows abundance, security and wealth (rice being money).


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How to Cite

คงเพียรธรรม ช. (2018). Creating political ideology by using rice metaphors in Khmer proverbs. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 10(1), 33–58. retrieved from



Review Article