Social Media Monitoring Behavior and Relationship Quality in Organizational Contents


  • Prapak Panyachatpond


Facebook, relationship quality, interpersonal communication, social networking service (SNS), relational communication, workplace, uncertainty reduction theory


This quantitative study aims to investigate the dynamism of interpersonal relationship in workplace context in evolving environment of a social networking service (SNS), or social media, particularly Facebook. Therefore, the major research question was “What are the influences of Facebook monitoring on the partners’ activities on relationship quality at workplaces?”. Conceptual frameworks included (1) uncertainty reduction, (2) usage of Facebook, and (3) relationship quality. Selected by a snowball-sampling technique, samples were those who (1) were currently employed and operating in any workplace, (2) had a Facebook account with at least 5 or more of their colleagues in their friend list, and (3) lived in Bangkok. Questionnaires were distributed on-line, of which 213 were completed and returned, and the data were statistically analyzed—regression analysis. Results indicated that (1) monitoring Facebook activities of the romantic partners did not decrease satisfaction in their current relationship, (2) increased monitoring of Facebook activities of the partners did not lead to a greater uncertainty in their relationship, (3) greater uncertainty in a relationship adversely affected relationship quality, (4) greater satisfaction in a relationship correlated with greater relationship quality, and (5) increased monitoring of Facebook activities did not negatively correlate with relationship quality. Implications are that Facebook has enormous influences, positively and vice versa, in relationship quality at workplaces and needs to be further studied.


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