Metafiction Writing Techniques in Arnakhet Novel by Nithi Nithiveragul
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This research article aimed to study metafiction as a literary writing technique in the novel Arnakhet by Nithi Nithiveragul, first published in 2021. This qualitative research used metafictional writing techniques as a
conceptual framework. It selected one novel that used metafiction as the main story writing technique, and contemporary literature was first
published between 2013 and 2021. This research uses the novel analysis method that utilizes metafiction as a literary technique to reveal the artificial language of narrative.
The research results show that metafiction is a story-writing
technique that realizes the fictional being of literature. The novel employs three techniques. First, the process of writing literature is revealed through the discussion of voices in the writer’s mind. The writer also selects stories from many composed and edits them as parts of the fictional writing.
Second, showing awareness of being a character composed by the writer. Third, literary criticism is performed by disputing the author’s status and criticism of writing this novel based on the convention of writing. Analyzing metafiction as a writing technique used in this novel confirms the state of the world within fiction and makes the readers aware of the fictional world from the writer’s construction of ideas, implying the rebuttal to the realist literary ideology.
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