The Image and the True Friendship of Nang Wila in the Lakhon Nok “Chaiyachet” by King Rama II

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Siwadol Waraaeksiri
Chutima Changkum
Rutsamee Ratburee


This academic article focuses on analyzing and studying the image of Nang Wila in plays outside of Chaiyachet—the royal writings by His Majesty King Rama II using the concept of "True Friendship 4" in the Buddhism as a guideline for study and analysis. The study's findings revealed that Nang Wila, an animal character born as a cat, possesses human-like behavior and thought processes. This unique combination of traits makes Nang Wila a truly unique character. Nang Wila is still the heroine's friend, always helping and protecting her. In addition, Nana Wila has 12 qualities of true friendship out of a total of 16, which is a factor that shows Nang Wila's genuine friendliness to the heroine very well. Therefore, Nang Wila's image embodies the traits of a good friend: She is intelligent about people, consistently recommends valuable items, and possesses genuine friendliness. Nang Wila adeptly negotiates and employs satirical language with the opposing characters and the heroine. This analysis highlights the poet's inventiveness in shaping animal characters to mimic human behavior, enhancing the story's vibrancy and enjoyment. This analysis aligns with the play's aim of promoting comedy and enjoyment, and the poet uses Nang Wila as a satirical platform for imparting lessons to humans. In addition, Nang Wila is regarded as a character who exemplifies exemplary friendship and honesty. The morality can be applied as a guideline for living life in the

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How to Cite
Waraaeksiri, S., Changkum, C. ., & Ratburee, R. . (2024). The Image and the True Friendship of Nang Wila in the Lakhon Nok “Chaiyachet” by King Rama II. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 16(2), 233–259. retrieved from
Academic Articles