Development of Knowledge Management Model to Enhance Information and Library Science Competency for Students Fostering the 21st Century Librarian
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The research results were current conditions and needs to
enhance the competency of Information and Library Science students found that the current competency conditions oversell it is at a moderate level while demand in every aspect is at a high level 2) Knowledge management model for developing competencies of Information and Library Science students to create readiness to be a librarian in the 21st century according to the Tuna Model found that (1) the fish head section is knowledge management to develop professional competency and readiness to be a librarian in the 21st century (2) the fish body competencies are essential professional competencies of librarians in the 21st century, classified into three areas: (2.1) specific competencies, (2.2) technical and ICT competencies, and (2.3) personal characteristics (3) the fishtail is a knowledgebase, including a virtual classroom. The results of this research can lead to the development of the quality of graduates in Information and Library Science. More knowledge and intellectual skills to achieve the learning outcomes according to the curriculum objectives and continue to be consistent with the needs of graduate users.
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