The Comparison of Factors Affecting Self-Concept According to the Role of Military Cadets
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This research applied a mixed-method approach to 1) study
self-concept according to the role of military cadets and 2) compare the personal factors that affect these self-concepts. Seventeen cadets in
command positions were chosen as key informants by purposive sampling. Following stratified random sampling, 60 cadets were chosen from the first to fifth years each in the 2021 academic year, resulting in 300 participants. The research instruments included a brainstorming activity worksheet and the test of the self-concept scale, which had a reliability of 0.965. The data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA), and analytic induction.
This research found that: 1) overall self-concept according to
cadets' role is high, and 2) the comparison of the personal factors of the self-concept according to the role of cadets in differences in the cadet year, the reason for choosing to become a cadet, the expectation of average
academic performance in military subjects, and perception of being a
military student caused the difference in the statistical significance level at .01(p<0.01), and expectation of average grade academic caused the
difference in the statistical significance level at .05 (p<0.05). The research results will benefit military academies and personnel involved in enhancing self-concept and the self-concept audit system according to the role of
being a cadet before graduating as a commissioned officer with the desirable characteristics of the Royal Thai Army.
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