The Administration Model Towards Excellence of Vocational Education Institutions in Eastern Region of Thailand

Main Article Content

์Ntapat Worapongpat
Phongsak Phakamach
Tachakorn Wongkumchai


The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the
components and indicators of management towards excellence of
vocational education institutions and 2) to present the management model towards excellence of vocational education institutions. The study uses a mixed methodology research approach. The research procedures consisted of two main phases. Phase I studies a summary of the components and
indicators of management excellence. The samples were selected from 9 eastern vocational institutes for the academic year 2022, consisting of small, medium, and large institutions. The informants were 18 administrators using the multistage random sampling technique. The research instruments were the unstructured interview and observation. Phase II is creating and
proposing models, analyzing, improving, and summarizing based on experts' opinions by collecting data from 9 executives, snowball sample selection, and structured interview tools. Statistics used to analyze quantitative data include frequency and percentage values, while qualitative uses content analysis.
The research findings revealed that 1) the administrative component towards excellence of vocational education institutions in the eastern region consists of 8 key components: executive, instructor, learner, resources,
management, collaboration networks, ICT system development, and
professional skills development. 2) The management model for excellence of vocational education institutions in the Eastern region of 8 elements is appropriate, accurate, feasible, and can be utilized by the research
theoretical framework. The research results resulted in a desirable model for managing vocational education institutions in Thailand for further

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How to Cite
Worapongpat ์., Phakamach, P. ., & Wongkumchai, T. . (2023). The Administration Model Towards Excellence of Vocational Education Institutions in Eastern Region of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 15(2), 153–180. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

์Ntapat Worapongpat, Center for Knowledge Transfer, Technology, Community Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Educational Administration



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