Anxiety in Online English Language Courses Learning of English for Service Industries Major Students at Phuket Rajabhat University
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evels and analyze the relationship between students' online English learning anxiety and 2) students' levels. The participants were 284 first to fourth-year English for Service Industries major students at Phuket Rajabhat University who enrolled in English courses for the academic year 2020. The samples were 164 selected by systematic sampling. The research instrument used in this study was a five-rating scale questionnaire on online English learning anxiety. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.8. The data were analyzed using mean value, standard deviation, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
The result revealed that the students had moderate online English learning anxiety. As for the relationship between the anxiety level in studying online English language courses and the level of students, it was found that there was a moderate negative relationship between the anxiety level in studying online English language courses and the level of students with a statistically significant difference ( p < .05). Therefore, It is important to note that there is a moderate negative relationship between the anxiety level in studying online English language and the level of students. The research will benefit online teaching and learning providers and students by contributing to improving and developing online teaching and learning styles that are suitable for learners. Meet learners' needs and contribute to online learning's efficiency and effectiveness.
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