The Role of the Local Fisheries Network Group in Conservation and Restoration of the Environment in Tha Sala Bay, Tha Sala District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Ayab Sadadkhan


This research article aims to study the development of the local fisherman network group, the role in creating a mechanism of common-pool resources management for environmental conservation and restoration, and success factors in preparing the local ordinances sea of Tha Sala Bay, Tha Sala district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The research applied qualitative research methodology by collecting primary and secondary data. The data were collected through surveys, observations, and interviews. Descriptive statistics are used to describe the finding in this study. The results revealed that the local fisherman network group of Tha Sala Bay was established after external threats, i.e., illegal push net and large net fishing that affect the ecosystem and local fishermen’s way of life. Therefore, they gathered in a group to conserve and restore the environment; as for the role in creating a mechanism of common-pool resources management of the fisherman group for environmental conservation and restoration, it occurred under the participatory process of 6 roles, i.e., 1) database collection; 2) monitoring illegal commercial fishing boats; 3) pushing for the establishment of a community economic organization; 4) determining a model of environmental conservation and restoration; 5) coordinating integrated working between local fishermen and government agencies and 6) providing the local
ordinances sea. There were six factors of success in preparing the local ordinances sea, namely, 1) the process of preparing the by-laws was well organized, 2) legal channels and policies were provided to support community rights, 3) The fight of local fishermen and relevant persons were not based on business conditions, but their consciousness for working collaboratively to conserve natural resources, 4) community leaders, local leaders, and local fisherman leaders possess leadership and vision, 5) the lessons of impacts fishermen learned in the past were experiences they used to solve problems and 6) mass media played a significant role in presenting news continuously, encouraging relevant agencies to manage and push forward the preparation of the local ordinances sea. According to the findings, the participatory process of organizations from all sectors is essential to solving conflicts and disputes in the area.


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How to Cite
Sadadkhan, A. . (2022). The Role of the Local Fisheries Network Group in Conservation and Restoration of the Environment in Tha Sala Bay, Tha Sala District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 14(1), 136–163. retrieved from
Research Article


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