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Nattakarn Chanasongkram
Supot Yukolthonwong


             This article has an objective to present knowledge about how to design the formation drill for marching band. With important information for designer. This resulted in the efficient and successful work of designing the maneuver for the marching band. By the information into 3 important points as follows 1) Work process including Preparation, Analysis, Work procedure. 2) Equipment used in the design including Computer, Program Pyware 3D, Paper Pencil Eraser. 3) Principles theories and knowledge including Music skill, Art and Design skill, Marching fundamental skill, Writing technique for formation drill skill, Fundamental of instrumentation on the field etc. From previous 3 information above. Represents important information for drill designer should know and understand the process including the main concepts and theories. Therefore, they can use this knowledge as a guideline for creating work to be effective and successful in work.

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How to Cite
Chanasongkram, . N. ., & Yukolthonwong, S. (2020). DRILL DESIGN FOR MARCHING BAND . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(2), 235–254. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsc/article/view/247461
Academic Articles


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