Guidelines for solving conflicts between human and wild elephants A Case study: Phawa Sub-district, Kaeng Hang Maeo District, Chanthaburi

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sandusit Brorewongtrakhul
Puripat kaewtathanawatthana


This research aims to analyze the causes of conflicts betweenhumans and wild elephants, And study the guidelines for sustainablecoexistence between people and wild elephants in Phawa Sub-district Kaeng Hang Maeo District Chanthaburi Province Which is an analysis That uses a Qualitative research approach that uses an in-depth interviewmethod with Questionnaires as a tool for collecting data from two groups of data providers which are group 1 community leaders in the area having problems from wild elephants invading and destroying agricultural crops in 5 villages, groups 2 Farmers groups affected by the destruction of wildelephants by agricultural crops in the year 2562 in every household, totaling 20 households, in order to collect the data collected and summarize by analytical descriptive. The study found that Factors that cause conflictbetween humans and wild elephants In the area of Phawa Sub-district Kaeng Hang Maeo District Chanthaburi province is a population increase in the Phawa community during the period 1994 - 2019, with an increase of more than 60 percent, causing encroachment of forest areas to expandarable land, resulting in Further reducing the forest that is the natural habitat of elephants, causing wild elephants to search for food outside of the forest. And the way of life of the people in the Phawa community according to the capitalist economic system which spread within the community resulting from the development of public utilities of the government agencies,resulting in the way of life of the people of the community to change Changed from relying on natural resources as a traditional way of life To the necessity of production factors Living from outside causes the people of Phawa community to earn money which is the main factor. In shopping for consumer goods Consuming makes it necessary to make use of the forest, which inevitably affects encounters between humans and elephants. As for the ways to solve conflicts between people and wild elephants Can bedivided into 3 main ways as follows.1) Urgent or immediate solutions to problems such as setting up surveillance and evacuation missions and the fast-moving operating setPatrol the area and advise the people as well as help to solve the situation
2) Medium-term, for example, to construct ditches to protect wild elephants at precarious spots on routes that people and students useregularly. In order to prevent the elephants from attacking and planting more bamboo bamboos with thorns along the elephant barrier Prepare an electric fence By coordinating with the village headman - the village headman Consider the area of a fruit orchard where elephants regularly come to eat the crops. Organize a set of operations to give knowledge on how to protect wild elephants.3) Long-term consist of 4 ways as follows: (1) Creating a positiveattitude to coexist between humans and wild elephants (2) Modifyingagriculture practices around areas where wild elephants live (3) Should
improve Government regulations by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation There must be clear and quick guidelines for providing
assistance when people are injured or killed by wild elephants or ifagricultural crops are damaged or destroyed.

(4) Coordinate with agencies from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to find ways to move wild elephants away when there is an increase in the amount of food sources which are insufficient. And move to find a place for a new wild elephant for the ferocious wild elephant to endanger the new area especially for the ferocious wild elephant.

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How to Cite
Brorewongtrakhul, sandusit, & kaewtathanawatthana, P. . (2020). Guidelines for solving conflicts between human and wild elephants A Case study: Phawa Sub-district, Kaeng Hang Maeo District, Chanthaburi . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(2), 113–127. retrieved from
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