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awida Rungsee
Sekson Yongvanit


This research is focused on main purposes: First, to study the development of commercial fisheries in Ranong Province and Second, to study the factors of change in the commercial fisheries in Ranong Province. The study is based on qualitative research. Research instruments utilized within the study were 1) documentary research 2) structured interviews 3) participant and non-participant observation. The sample group in this study comprised of 18 key informants including community elders,
confederates to commercial fisheries, and fisheries officers in Ranong Province. Triangulation was used at methodology and data triangulation stages. The results of the study were as follows: the development of commercial fisheries in Ranong Province as related to fisheries public policy. The development of commercial fisheries in Ranong Province involves four separate periods which were 1) the beginning of commercial fisheries in Ranong Province during 1957-1971 2) the potential of the entrepreneurs in fisheries and oversea fisheries during 1972-1987 3) the period of fisheries concession in Myanmar during 1988-2011 4) the fisheries recession in Ranong Province and entrepreneur adaptation during 2012-Present. The factors of change affecting commercial fisheries in Ranong Province are fishing area, deterioration in fisheries resources, fisheries technology, adaptation of entrepreneurs and role of government. Recommendations in research are government have to use measure for protect fishery resource. The measures are restoration and manage of fishery resource. And, fisheries co-management between entrepreneurs and government.

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How to Cite
Rungsee, awida ., & Yongvanit, S. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF COMERCIAL FISHERIES IN RANOG PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(2), 158–179. retrieved from
Research Article


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