Semantic Network of /nɔ̂ɔk/ in Thai.

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Phathaimas Pramual
Puttachat Potibal
Kachen Tansiri


This article aims at analyzing syntactic and semantics properties in order to construct semantic network of the word nɔ̂ɔk from cognitivelinguistic perspective. The result reveals that syntactically, the word nɔ̂ɔk can occur as a single word which can be subclassified as a noun and
a preposition. The word under investigation can also occur as a part ofcollocational phrase which can be subclassified as a conjunction and a verb. Semantically, the word nɔ̂ɔk can denote several related meanings which can be subclassified as prototypical meaning and extended meanings.The prototypical meaning is 1) ‘an inner part of an object’ and the extended meanings are 2) ‘an outer area,’ 3) ‘foreign,’ 4) ‘non-compliance,’ which, in turn, gives rise to 4.1) ‘creativity’ 4.2) ‘not being a member of a group’ and 4.3) ‘being dishonest’


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How to Cite
Pramual, P., Potibal, P. ., & Tansiri, K. . (2020). Semantic Network of /nɔ̂ɔk/ in Thai. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(1), 189–212. retrieved from
Research Article


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