Human Capital : The Development of Human Resource, The Development of Country

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Kanyarat Jansawang


 Currently, change is more complex and challenging. Management in all sectors, whether it be business, state enterprises, or governmentagencies, has to be adapted in order to compete and create continuous growth of the organization. Human capital has become an important capital of the organization, which can create a competitive advantage and value for the organization. This academic article aims to explain the meaning ofhuman capital, qualifications of human capital, the importance of human capital and principles and concepts of human capital. The author hasstudied and gathered information about the successful development ofhuman capital of Singapore which uses quality education systems as the driving force. This reflects the problem of human capital development within the country, especially the reform of the Thai education system that should primarily focus on the ability of students and create a Thai society to be a learning society for people of all ages.

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How to Cite
Jansawang, K. . . (2020). Human Capital : The Development of Human Resource, The Development of Country. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(1), 328–349. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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