Future Trends on Physical Geography Education

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Nardnarade Akasuwan


The academic article named Future Trends on Physical Geography Education aimed to explain changes in physical geography which wasdiversified according to global contexts and situations nowadays. The researcher applied teaching experiences, academic field trips as well as deeper researching about updated data to communicate inform of an academic article which was friendly for readers to understand. The article also aimed to educated readers by its results for employing in physical geography education.
Physical geography is a science that is based on explicit knowledge required reasoning of nature itself. It explains the relationship between natural phenomenon and human living. Therefore, contents of physical geography is considered as the syntheses of knowledge derived from the relationships of various phenomenon effecting human living on the earth. People who understand natural phenomenon changing on the earth can adapt themselves to natural affects which will be occured, for instance,
climate change, plate tectonic changes as well as can understand problems arising from changes in social, economic and political conditions due to environmental changes. Therefore, those who have explicit knowledge and understanding in physical geography can be able to shape proper body of knowledge about natural phenomenon related to human living for themselves. Beside, the knowledge can be developed as skills in using physical geography knowledge to interpret events or phenomenon that can be occured on the earth in order to correct what will be happened in the future as best as they can.

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How to Cite
Akasuwan, N. (2020). Future Trends on Physical Geography Education. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(2), 198–218. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsc/article/view/216068
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