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Jitlada Moonma


 The 21st century has been a period of rapid change in information and technology. English language learning at the present time should be modified from using English language content for setting instructional
objectives and the learning process to using 21st century competencies for designing students’ learning experiences. Collaboration is one of the core competencies. Collaboration can improve students’ writing skills. Though, this paper reviews the use of collaborative writing and publishing facilitated by E-mail Exchanges, Google Docs, and Wikis as an emerging instructional technology and their significance for student literacy and languageeducation in the classroom. Firstly, Electronic Mail has been a tool in both first language and second language education. Teachers use E-mailsubstantially increased their communication between students over time compared to traditional modes. Secondly, Google Docs can enhance peer collaborating in writing. Lastly, Wikis give the users the ability to edit, add content, track who made changes, and allow revisions to previous entries. At the end section, this paper also indicates the 4 pitfalls when technology is involved in writing teaching in the digital era: concerning more with software instead of what the students are learning, online interaction is a different experience, affording to purchase computers and facilitating plagiarism.

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How to Cite
Moonma, J. . . (2019). EMERGING INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE COLLABORATIVE WR IN THE DIGITAL ERA. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 11(3), 232–258. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsc/article/view/212529
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