The Communication f Political Information via Shadow Puppets of Shadow Puppet Master Prakieng Rakangtong

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Piyata Soontornpiyapha


This research aims to study: 1) characteristics of communication; 2) content and modes of presentation; 3) problems with the communication; 4) shadow plays. This research is a qualitative research study. Data was analyzed from in-depth interviews, group discussions, and observation. The main contributors were Mr. Prakieng Rakangtong, 24 audience members, and academic people who work with shadow puppets, famous shadow puppet performers, and 6 academic people working in political communication.

The findings were as follows. 1) Characteristics of communication were; respect Buddhism, and democracy, believe in the power of the people, considered the audience, chose suitable content and environment, used narrative to present the story as a character interaction or use debating techniques, political content blends with fun, have self-interest in politics, learning to follow the news and exchange knowledge with local people. 2) Content and modes of presentation fit with current political events focused on administrative policies that affected the people’s wellbeing, administrative behavior, social issues and role of population. The presentation format uses 10 formats. Modes of presentation included mocking and satirizing and were mainly about situations in the country. 3) Problems with the communication were lack of audience political knowledge and experience similar to the performer. 4) Audience’s demand about national security and defense policy, economic problems, generating income, reform in politics and government by informative presentation that combines fun through puppets. 5) Approaches for developing communication were; a politically knowledgeable and idealistic puppet master realized about the value of democracy, considered audiences’ knowledge, thinking, or beliefs, political values, and political cultures of audience in the community. Presentation methods should be updated for new generation viewers including poetry and dialogue singing techniques and modern new characters and modern music.

Keywords: Communication, Dissemination of political information, Shadow puppet, Prakieng Rakangtong 

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How to Cite
Soontornpiyapha, P. . . (2018). The Communication f Political Information via Shadow Puppets of Shadow Puppet Master Prakieng Rakangtong. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(3), 233–256. retrieved from
Research Article


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