The Effective of Quizizz’s Gamified Learning among Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students’ Engagement and Perception
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This study aimed to determine the effective of using Quizizz`s gamified learning among undergraduate and postgraduate students’ engagement and perception and to explore on how undergraduate and postgraduate students’ willingness to use Quizizz’s gamified learning to enhance students’ engagement and perception in Educational Psychology subjects. The researcher applied sequential mixed method study to utilized to evaluate the effective of assessing Quizizz gamified in learning on students’ engagement and perception in Educational Psychology subjects. A total of 177 undergraduate and postgraduate students were respondents in this sequential explanatory mixed method study. The quantitative study was evaluated by using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation. In addition, correlation and regression analyses were analyzed to find out the research question 1 (hypothesis 1 – 2). In addition, a qualitative study evaluated by using the thematic analysis which utilized and interpret the data. The regression analysis was a statistically significant predicted that Quizizz gamified in learning on students’ engagement had a positive and significant effective (R-square = 0.336; F = 34.401; Beta (β) = 0.204; T-value = 3.339; and P-value = 0.000). Moreover, the regression analysis was a statistically significant predicted that Quizizz gamified in learning on students’ perception has a positive and significant effective (R-square = 0.061; F = 2.134; Beta (β) = 0.422; T-value =5.865; and P-value = 0.000). Therefore, four respondents (two undergraduate and two postgraduate students) were selected to participate for interviewing. All the students agreed that Quizizz gamified in learning and teaching in Educational Psychology subjects were effective positively to perceive the experience of learning and engagement in learning.
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