Influencing Factors of Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Across Borders E-commerce Platforms in China

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Tang Lijuan
Napaporn Khantanapha


This research aims to analyze : 1) characteristic of across-border e-commerce platforms customers, 2)the impact between website qualities, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk and online interaction, and purchase intention on purchase behavior, 3) mediating role  of online interaction, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on purchase intention behavior.. In order to achieve this objective. This research was quantitative research, collected data from cross-border e-commerce platforms customers in China .sample of 421 respondents. They were selected by convenience random sampling technique has been employed. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire with a content validity (IOC) of .883 and a reliability value of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .907. Analysis of data via SEM by AMOS. The research result was found as follow:

1) The characteristics of cross-border e-commerce platform customers. There are more women than men in the gender of the participants, accounting for 62%. In terms of age, the largest number of participants (34%) were between the ages of 18-25. By level of education, there were more participants with a bachelor's degree or above 33%, frequency of purchase one week of 41 %.         2) Hypothesis test result for the direct impact test found that all of the hypothesis was accepted meaning website quality directly impact perceived ease of use, website quality directly impact perceived usefulness, website quality directly impact perceived risks, perceived usefulness directly impact online interaction, perceived ease of use direct impact consumer purchase intention, perceived risk direct impact consumer purchase intention, purchase intention direct impact purchase behavior, and online interaction direct impact consumer purchase intention. 3) The mediating role of online interactions plays an effect between perceived usefulness on purchase intention, and website quality plays a mediating role between perceived risks on purchase intention the hypothesis is accepted. Perceived ease of use plays a mediating role between purchase intentions on purchase behavior.

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How to Cite
Lijuan , T., & Khantanapha, N. (2024). Influencing Factors of Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Across Borders E-commerce Platforms in China. วารสารนวัตกรรมการศึกษาและการวิจัย, 8(3), 1523–1540.


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