การจัดการนวัตกรรมการให้บริการผู้โดยสาร ของท่าอากาศยานสุวรรณภูมิ

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สิทธินนท์ ปานนิมิตจิตสมาน


This qualitative research aims to examine passenger service innovation management at Suvarnabhumi Airport by analyzing its context, identifying problems, and proposing an innovative management model. 16 key informants, 6 employees of Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited and 10 passengers who used the service at Suvarnabhumi Airport were interviewed, and participatory and non-participatory observation was conducted. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and analyzed by substantive analysis.

Research results (1) The context of passenger service innovation management context consists of policies, criteria, principles, operational processes and agencies responsible for innovation management. (2) Problems of innovation management, consisting of (2.1) For the organizational leaders, it was found that delayed decision making was inconsistent with the changing context because there were many steps in the operation. (2.2) In terms of corporate strategy, it was found that the implementation of the strategy was delayed due to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis that has closed airspace around the world (2.3) In terms of participation, it was found that employees at the operational level lacked participation in decision-making. (2.4) Regarding organizational culture, it was found that the patronage system was a major obstacle in adopting innovation. (2.5) In terms of organizational structure, it was found that the structure of a large organization attached to the bureaucratic system causing delays in operations and (3) An innovation management model for passenger service, which is an initiative in the following issues: (3.1) Leaders must be professionals strategic leadership become a change executive (3.2) There is a clear strategic plan in accordance with the changing environment context (3.3) Opportunity for stakeholders to participate in innovation management. (3.4) Create values suitable for organizational development, moral knowledge and (3.5) the organizational structure must be appropriately sized, not a burden on the budget clear communication system.

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