The Impact of Reflective Videos for Learning About Research Methods: A pilot study of a reflective video activity during Covid-19
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Teaching research methods has proved to be a very challenging task. Scholars have noted that lectures and exams may not be optimal for teaching students how to conduct proper research (Howard & Brady, 2015; Lewthwaite & Nind, 2016). As research projects can vary greatly, it can also be difficult to teach a clear process and framework that students can reference when conducting their own research projects. Therefore, this article aimed to study the use of reflective videos for teaching research methods, and if it helped students better engage with the course content, reflect on what they learned, and understand how to conduct proper research. The results of the study indicate that peer-to-peer reflective video activities did not lead to a significantly better engagement and understanding of research methods among all participating students, but did lead some students to more critically reflect on their mindsets and attitudes toward research methods. Most of the participants (n =21) reported that the reflective videos were a good way to review and recall what was learned, as to well as discover new ways to look at how to conduct proper research.
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