A Relational Model of Organizational Environment, Organizational Resilience, and Work Performance in the Hotel Industry of China Under the Covid-19ERA
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This article aimed to study the hotel employees' perceptions of hotel organizational culture, organizational commitment, work motivation, self-efficacy, incident intensity (COVID-19, and organizational resilience, and investigated their relationships to hotel employees' work performance under the COVID-19 era. The researchers discuss in detail the operation of the structure and the examination of the questionnaire content.
The sample was hotel employees in Fujian Province, China. They were collected by the snowball sampling method. The instrument for collecting data was the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics are first used to show the composition of the sample population and their perception of various survey variables. Then, through confirmatory factor analysis and the tests of convergent validity and discriminant validity of each variable, the construction validity of the scale is comprehensively judged. Finally, the structural equation model is tested by fitting, and on this basis, the path analysis is carried out to test whether the hypothesis and organizational resilience play a mediating role in the path.
The results show that organizational culture, organizational commitment, motivation, self-efficacy, and event intensity have significant effects on organizational performance in the context of COVID-19. Organizational resilience mediates the effects of organizational commitment, motivation, self-efficacy, and event intensity on employee job performance. Although this study has achieved the expected research goals and obtained some useful research conclusions, because the research on employee work performance during the epidemic in China's hotel industry has not attracted the attention of scholars, this research is still an exploratory study. At the same time, due to the complexity of the research question itself, the complexity of interdisciplinary research, and the limitations of my own ability level and time, this research still has some shortcomings.
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