Management Mechanism for Safeguarding of Musical Intangible Cultural Heritage in Heretors in Hunan, China

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Xiaomang Liao
Sarana Photchanachan


The basic premise of this article was that in recent years, research on intangible cultural heritage had caused heated debate among researchers, resulting in valuable achievements and rich experience accumulation. Therefore, this research aimed to study the current situation and hardships of those who inherited Hunan's music-intangible cultural heritage, to study the incentives and performance appraisal mechanisms in Hunan's music-intangible cultural heritage activities, and to further study people's understanding of Hunan music, including inheritance protection, and internal and external factors influencing successor protection.

The research results were based on the underlying conditions of their successors and the factors influencing their protection. Usually, the successor must be in the good physical condition and in good health. The status of the successor and the protection effect were the inheritance and protection of the intangible cultural heritage. In addition, public administration and successor protection results were classified as systemic administration.

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How to Cite
Liao, X., & Photchanachan, S. (2022). Management Mechanism for Safeguarding of Musical Intangible Cultural Heritage in Heretors in Hunan, China. วารสารนวัตกรรมการศึกษาและการวิจัย, 6(3), 789–797.


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