Human Resource Management: Competency and Organization Service Quality

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Kaewta Phatthanapong
Nikhom Jianchinda


 “Quality” Became an important issue that both public and private organization executives paid great attention because of the sustainable operation of the organization's survival. Products or services are evaluated and verified whether or not the quality or response to and satisfying customers or people or not. Quality is a symbol of trust that customers give and also build a reputation for the organization. Quality is a symbol of trust that customers give and also build a reputation for the organization.  Quality competition to create acceptance at the national and international level. Makes the term quality assurance to be used extensively, such as product quality assurance, educational quality assurance, etc. But the organization should do to achieve the quality of the operation, especially the service quality of the organization Finding answers by studying relevant concepts and theories and opinions of qualified scholars is one way that is used to improve the quality of service. For this article, the author studied the concepts and theories related to "Competency of the worker" and "Service quality of the organization" and from the research results that the researcher and faculty have studied with the objective of research on ideas See the performance of the operator on the competency of the operator in the core competency, managerial competency and functional competency. What is the relationship and influence of the service quality of the organization.

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How to Cite
Phatthanapong, K. ., & Jianchinda, N. . (2020). Human Resource Management: Competency and Organization Service Quality. วารสารนวัตกรรมการศึกษาและการวิจัย, 3(3), 161–170. สืบค้น จาก


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