Individual Synopsis: Ethical Challenges of Leadership

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Dokrak Dowruang


This paper is trying to explore the organizational culture and subcultures, which are becoming to be the root of organization. It also includes learning about ethical leadership aspects such as ethical and non-ethical leadership, main characters and ethical practices. Moreover, this paper continues to find out the problems, which relate to organizational culture and subcultures, including the management skill of ethical leadership. In addition, this paper presents the key or critical issues to develop ethical leadership. Finally, it provides more challenges issues of ethical leadership in the future that leaders have to concern and deal with it in the future. To do this research, I select the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) because this is a reputation organization in Thailand and it belongs to government and I select four people from both management position and lower position. (Two management positions and two lower positions) As a consequence, we could see exactly how Thai traditional culture play significant role to organizational culture and create a serious problem as “senior system”, which are prohibit overall performance reach a potential and can cause a lot of problems occur in the organization. Furthermore, we could see the leadership style of each leaders to deal with ethical and moral issues.

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How to Cite
Dowruang , D. . (2020). Individual Synopsis: Ethical Challenges of Leadership. วารสารนวัตกรรมการศึกษาและการวิจัย, 2(3), 149–158. สืบค้น จาก


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