Digital Logistics the Key to Success in the Retail Industry


  • Saran Phinijphara SPU
  • Kritsana Lakkhongkha


Digital Logistics, Retail Industry, digital Technologies, Competitive Advantage, Sustainable Growth


The modern retail industry is facing challenges from changing consumer behaviors and expectations, demanding more convenience, speed, and variety in accessing products and services.This requires retailers to adapt by applying digital logistics to their business processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and better meet customer needs. This research aims to study the concepts,roles, importance, and approaches to applying digital logistics in the retail industry through a review of
diverse secondary data sources and content analysis to summarize key knowledge.The findings reveal that digital technologies playing a crucial role in improving logistics
processes for retail businesses include logistics information systems such as ERP, WMS, and TMS,which efficiently integrate and manage data; automation technologies like RFID and IoT, used for accurate identification, tracking, and inventory management; intelligent technologies such as AI and Machine Learning, which analyze data and make decisions to optimize operations; and robotics technology for transportation, picking, and sorting of goods, making these processes fast, precise, and highly efficient. These digital logistics technologies bring significant benefits to retail businesses in terms of increased efficiency, cost reduction, responsiveness to customer needs, and competitive advantage.

Author Biographies

Saran Phinijphara, SPU

Special lecturer of Modern Trade Business Management Faculty of Faculty of Business Administration, Panyapiwat Institute of Management.

Kritsana Lakkhongkha

Lecturer of Interdisciplinary technology and innovation, School of Entrepreneurship,Sripatum University.


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How to Cite

Phinijphara, S., & Lakkhongkha, K. . (2024). Digital Logistics the Key to Success in the Retail Industry. Journal of Industrial Business Administration, 6(1), 67–92. retrieved from



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