Factors Affecting Desirable Compensation of Employees in Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate Rayong
Compensation Management, Desirable Compensation, Employees, Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate RayongAbstract
The purpose of this study was to study compare desirable compensation of employees in Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, Rayong Province classified by personal factors. To study factors affecting desirable compensation of employees in Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, Rayong Province. The factors affecting employee compensation in this study Focusing on the nature of compensation management work.
The questionnaire is a tool to collect. There were 400 samples. Collecting data with Google Forms. Choose a distributed sample. Data were analysed to explain the study results, frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation. test hypothesis by analysing with statistical package SPSS using multiple regression analysis.
The research found that (1) different demographic factors on the desired compensation of employees in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, Rayong Province that is no different. (2) Factors related to job characteristics affecting the desired remuneration of employees. In the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, Rayong Province, the most factor is the flexibility in determining compensation, followed by the nature of participation factor and the least is the nature of the opinion polling factor. They can explain the change in the desired compensation in percentage 60.0, statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
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