Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies (HRPS) is an international peer-reviewed journal bi-annually published by Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University.  Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies aims to create a platform to promote, distribute, and exchange knowledge in the areas of human rights, conflicts and peace studies. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars, practitioners, activists and students in the fields of human rights and peace studies and other relevant fields in social science and humanities including but not limited to anthropology, sociology, political science, legal studies, education and cultural studies

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1. Using APA style (7th edition) for Citation and Reference [Note: Guideline for APA (7th edition), please click:
2. Arrange the reference according to English Alphabetical order
3. In case of citing Thai language references, please transliterate from Thai into Roman characters and translate into English

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies

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ISSN : 2697-3804 (online)