Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to our journal. These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production, and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal's requirements.

1. About the Journal

Journal Title: Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies

ISSN: 2697-3804 (online)

Field/Discipline: Social Sciences and Humanities

Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies (HRPS) is an international peer-reviewed journal in the field of social science and humanities bi-annually published by the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. The Journal publishes 2 issues per year: January—June and July—December. We invite research articles; academic or review articles; book reviews, article reviews, or multi-media reviews; and field note articles in the areas of human rights, conflicts and peace studies, and relevant fields. Please see the journal’s Aims & Scope for further information about its focus and peer-review policy.

2. Submissions

1) Authors should send all submissions and resubmissions to HRPS through the ThaiJo system (registration at

2) The submitting author is automatically designated as the corresponding author in the submission system. The corresponding author is the primary contact for the journal office and the only author able to view or change the manuscript while it is under editorial consideration.

3) The submitted manuscript undergoes the process of editorial review and initial screening process based on the Rubric for HRPS Manuscript.
The submitted manuscript should be in the field of social sciences and humanities, with a specific focus on human rights and peace studies.
It must be an original work, which has not been published previously or concurrently submitted for review process elsewhere.
Authors should follow the format and requirements of HRPS. Should the authors be unable to follow HRPS’s format and requirements, HRPS has the right to reject the manuscript.

4) Each manuscript submitted to HRPS undergoes the process of double-blind peer-review, in which the manuscript is reviewed by two experts in the relevant field.

5) In case there would be suggestions and feedback from reviewers and the editorial team during the peer-review process, each author is expected to review and edit their manuscript based on the suggestions and feedback of the editorial team. Otherwise, each author should provide justifications with details to the editorial team for not doing so.

6) The final acceptance for publishing in the journal is based on that each manuscript submitted for the HRPS must have been considered and accepted by at least 2 peer reviewers, and also the editorial team of the HRPS.

3. Guidelines for Preparing Manuscripts

3.1 General Format and Types of Articles

HRPS accepts manuscripts in both English and Thai languages. Manuscripts to HRPS should be submitted in MS Word and formatted in accordance with the HRPS templates provided below.

Template for Research Articles : click here

Template for Academic Articles : click here

“Remark: From 2024 onwards, the journal has changed to use Browallia New 12-point for English articles and Browallia New 16-point for Thai articles”

The templates provide the pre-formatted components of a manuscript that can be used by the authors, including:

Details of Author(s) and Corresponding Author
Abstract and keywords
Main text
Figure and tables

Please avoid using footnotes, endnotes, or appendices unless absolutely necessary (see 3.6 Notes and Appendices).

The length of each manuscript is restricted according to the type of the article, which can be categorized as follows:

Academic Articles and Research Articles

English: The length should be between 6,000 - 8,000 words, including references, notes, tables, and figures. The author should provide an abstract of 150-250 words with 3-5 keywords.

Thai: The length should be 15 – 20 pages of A4, including references, notes, tables, and figures The author should provide an abstract of ¾ page with 3-5 keywords.

Research articles should be based on well-founded research with appropriate research methodology. Academic articles should contribute new knowledge to the academic community.

3.2 References

All manuscripts are required to use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for citations and references. The author(s) should use the in-text citation and end-of-text references and should not incorporate the references in the notes. The authors are recommended to consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) and the APA Style Guide to Electronic References. The following link provides some examples of APA style references: HRPS Referencing Guidelines

While Reference Management software, such as EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero, can be valuable tools for organizing and formatting citations and references, HRPS kindly requests that authors remove all field codes generated by these programs before submitting their manuscripts. This ensures the submitted document is clean and free from hidden coding or formatting issues that may disrupt the review and publication process. By removing the field codes, authors contribute to smoothly processing their manuscripts within HRPS’s editorial system.

3.3 Biographical Statement

The biography of the author(s) in HRPS appears before the references. It should be brief and include the current position and institutional affiliation. In addition, authors may indicate their present main research interest or recent (co-)authored or edited books as well as other institutional affiliations that have occupied a major portion of their professional lives. We are not looking for a complete CV.

3.4 Tables and Figures

All tables and figures should be clear and self-explanatory as far as possible. Avoid tables and figures that are too large or too small. Captions should be concise and easy to understand for a general audience. For their titles and sources, please follow the HRPS templates provided above.

Please note that in the context of HRPS, the term "Figure" should refer to all visual information, including diagrams and pictures. Avoid using the word "graph" to describe such visual elements.

3.5 Equations

The author(s) should avoid using the equations in the article. They should be limited to only 3 equations, if necessary. Equations should be included within the main text and numbered in parentheses on the right-hand side, for example.

x + y = z + 2 (1)

x – y = 3a (2)

Equations should not appear in footnotes. In equations, all characters other than numerals and mathematical symbols should be italicized (including subscripts and superscripts).

3.6 Notes and Appendices

The authors should use Notes only where substantive information is conveyed to the reader. Literature references should normally not necessitate separate notes.

Notes are numbered with Arabic numerals. Authors should insert notes by using the footnote/endnote function in MS Word.

You may also use Appendices to include important information that would unduly break up the information in the main text. However, keep the number of Appendices and the information contained in them to an absolute minimum. Appendices must be included in the word count.

4. Authorship Accountability and Ethical AI Usage

HRPS acknowledges that it is the author's utmost responsibility to maintain the originality, validity, and integrity of their manuscript's content. Therefore, it is imperative to clarify that AI chatbots like ChatGPT and large language models (LLMs) cannot be considered authors and should not be credited in manuscripts.

While AI can assist in the writing process, it is widely recognized in scholarly circles that AI technology cannot assume accountability for the content it generates. In the context of academic papers, authors must disclose the use of AI tools appropriately when submitting an article to JPSS. Authors must clearly indicate which tools were employed in the "Acknowledgement" section and provide a comprehensive description of their implementation in the "Research Methods" section.

HRPS maintains a steadfast commitment to holding authors fully responsible for the content of their manuscripts, including any portions created with the assistance of AI tools. Thus, authors are accountable for any potential violations of publication ethics that may arise.

By adhering to these updated guidelines, HRPS prioritizes transparency, ethical practice, and the preservation of scholarly publishing integrity amidst the advancements of AI technology.

5. Ethical Declarations

The ethical statements are a requirement for submission to HRPS. The template provided below can be used for customizing your statements that should be submitted alongside your manuscript. The responsibility remains with the authors to include the relevant disclosures and declarations. The form includes declarations of research ethics, informed consent, author contributions, competing interests, research funding, data availability, and copyright transfer.

- Letter of Certification (Word)
- Ethical Declarations (Word)

6. Language Editing Policy

In 2023, HRPS adopted a policy mandating that all authors of accepted papers uphold standard academic English in their manuscripts. In other words, it is recommended that authors proactively engage their language editing service to ensure adherence to these language standards. Manuscripts that fail to meet the prescribed requirements will be returned to the author for revision.

However, HRPS acknowledges that authors may require assistance with language editing and, therefore, offers a comprehensive language editing service upon request. This service encompasses a wide range of aspects, including grammatical corrections, addressing typographical errors, and enhancing the overall readability of the manuscript. Additionally, the service includes systematic reference checking and formatting to meet the specific requirements of HRPS.