Language structures, contents, and values of district slogans in the Northeastern region

โครงสร้างภาษา เนื้อหา และค่านิยมของคำขวัญประจำอำเภอในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ


  • Chanaphon Khwanpla Department of Thai Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Penprapa Singsawat Department of Thai and Eastern Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


โครงสร้างภาษา, เนื้อหา, ค่านิยม, คำขวัญประจำอำเภอ, ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ, Language Structure, Content, Values, District Slogans, Northeastern Region


The purpose of this article was to study the language structure, content, and values ​​of the district slogans in the northeastern region. The data was collected from the Wikipedia, free encyclopedia website, from 20 provinces, 322 districts, and 317 slogans. The results of the study on language structure were found. Most phrase + sentence structure. It was followed by phrase-level structure and no sentence-level structure. Based on the study of content. The common location-related content was found the most. It was followed by product content, religious content, local people content, tradition and culture content, festival and tradition content, geography content, history and background content, and the least found was content on current events and discoveries, respectively. Values ​​, namely values ​​promoting religion, art, and national culture, sports, local wisdom, Thai wisdom, and universal knowledge, which were found the most. It was followed by values ​​of respect for nature and the environment, values ​​of respect for one's ancestors and one's own locality, values ​​of upholding an agricultural lifestyle, and the least were psychological values by developing the mind to be moral, ethical, and cultural in life, respectively.


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How to Cite

Khwanpla, C., & Singsawat, P. (2022). Language structures, contents, and values of district slogans in the Northeastern region: โครงสร้างภาษา เนื้อหา และค่านิยมของคำขวัญประจำอำเภอในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ. JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, RELIGION AND CULTURE, 11(1), 126–147. retrieved from


