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The Dragon Boat festival (Duanwu), also known to Thais as the “Wai Ba Jang” Festival, is one of the traditional festivals that is of great importance to the Chinese people. Its legends and background are interesting, and the festival is also associated with climate and nature. The Tuan Wu Festival is held to commemorate many historical figures. The main traditions of this festival include the Dragon Boat Racing (赛龙舟), Rice dumpling eating (吃粽子), the use of the Ai Chao herb (艾草), and drinking Song Huang liquor (雄黄酒), each of which is based on the attitudes and beliefs of ancient Chinese. As learners of Chinese as a foreign language, students should learn about and
understand the important Chinese culture and festivals. Teachers can integrate knowledge about the Duan Wu Festival through Active Learning teaching methods, by allowing learners to study the knowledge in order to gather, analyze and present information about the Duan Wu Festival on their own. Practical Learning can be used to teach the methods, organize activities for students to participate in theatrical performances, make festive desserts, and immerse themselves in the culture of the Duan Wu Festival. Integrated teaching methods applied in the subjects appropriately and teaching methods using technology are convenient and fast. Learners learn directly from native speakers, and learning through video clips or media technology that incorporate knowledge about the Duan Wu Festival will help students understand the social conditions, way of life, and history of each era of China more completely.
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